Collections & Donations

Standing Order

Whether or not you are a Gift Aider and you would like to continue supporting your Church, you may wish to organise a Standing Order arrangement with your bank to pay your collection directly into our Church bank account.

Details as follows:

Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-93-04
Account No: 00883116
Account Name: CPD New Milton Our Lady.

If you do decide to pay money directly into our Bank Account, it would be very helpful for our Treasurer if you could write what it is for in the Reference Box when paying on line, i.e. Church donation, Intention, CAFOD etc.

Giving by Card

There is a card machine at the back of our church. It is really simple to use: just press the amount you’d like to give and tap your card.

Please don’t worry about GiftAid at the moment because that will require entering all your details. Perhaps do that mid-week when there is no queue.

Online Donations

You can also donate online via ‘GiveAsYouLive’

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