Mass Times

Tuesday – Friday

Usually 10.00am but subject to change (see current newsletter for details)


Confessions 5.30 PM (or after weekday mass on request)

Vigil Mass 6.00 PM


Mass 10.00 AM
(Tea and coffee after morning Mass in the Parish hall)

Texts for Mass

The use of Mass sheets will be phased out and laminated cards will provide most of the responses for Mass. For anything else, you may like to access the following: and follow link to relevant Sunday (free) and follow link to relevant day (one-off lifetime fee)

Web and Paper options:
There are cheap, monthly booklets available by post for about £1.50—£2.50. They include every day of the week, not just Sundays)

Magnificat tel. 020 3882 9432

My Day By Day tel. 01782 213000

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